Saturday, December 25, 2010

Patrolling the Territory

Patrolling the same tracks every day make wolfdogs very territorial. Every tree has been scent-marked, every odor is known, only occational encounters with wild animals or their tracks brakes the habit. 2 years back we started to improve our forest-tracks for better skiing quality. Trees had to be removed, bushes cut away, curves straighten out and small bridges over the ditches had to be made. The end result is a trail that starts at our front-door and that makes it unnecessary to drive the car to somewhere for skiing. This has had a huge effect on my male wolfdogs. Now they will run the whole track with much more vigour and enthusiasm for speed. So much that I need to put a harness on for the pulling. Coming to the opposite end of the trail is always rewarded with running free and playing. When going to a strange territory however, the typical carefulness and awareness comes back and they will never pull. The photos are of Ax and Skarv out on an everyday run.

Thursday, December 2, 2010