This youngster is 76 cm at withers. He has long and vertical positioned metetarsal bones. His joints are supple and after enough exercise and enough fresh raw meat diet he has developed a substantial layer of strong muscles. He is NO show-dog; rather a product of nature. A typical Nordenden Wolfdog.
1 comment:
I would just like to say that I think you breed amazing looking wolfdogs. I myself have a three year old saarloos wolfdog: Silas di Canelupi. He is very sweet natured, 76 cm high and a nice long back. I walk four hours a day with him, but must say that he is quite lazy. Until he sees a rabbit! Then he is suddenly incredibly fast and shows a beautiful way of moving, which I enjoy watching. I follow the Dutch wolfdogs of your last litter very closely on the forum. I think they look amazing. It is a pity I haven't seen recent pictures of Valpar. I am curious if he even turned out bigger than Tuur. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy reading your site and your comments about the individual character of your dogs/litters and how they are build.
Kind regards,
Lisa Elbers
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